今天故事裡的主角是戲份極多的狗子 Floppy,他要證明自己是一隻很棒的狗狗。他說自己是個聰明的小幫手,而且讓幹啥就幹啥。聽起來是個不錯的狗狗,不過事實真的是這樣的嗎?
故事裡的表達用到了押韻,比如 me, see; sit, it; call, ball; that, cat,讀起來琅琅上口。畫面一如既往地充滿戲劇性,隨手一畫就從一隻乖巧的狗狗變成了頑皮的狗子,鎮定的貓咪也變成了嚇尿的小可憐,真是羨慕畫家的巧手。
In today’s story, the leading role is Floppy. He wants to prove that he is a good dog. For example, he is a good helper, he does what he is told. But is that true?
In today’s book, we can find rhyming words, like:
‘me’‘see’, ‘sit’‘it, ‘call’‘ball’, ’that’‘cat’.
It will be easier for kids to remember the story and those sentences. Illustrations are full of interesting details. If you wanna know more, please follow our video and read this book together.
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