手是 hand(s),脚是 foot(feet),这是英语入门者就能学会和记住的词。但是再细分一下呢?
手臂通过肩膀和躯干相连;手肘和手腕都是关节,可以弯曲;手臂的末端是手,手包含手掌和 5 根手指头;腿通过臀部和躯干相连,我们用腿站立;腿可再细分为大腿、膝盖、小腿、脚踝、脚掌、脚趾头。
How to teach kids about the human body? Maybe a video can be an easier way for kids to learn about the human body.
In today’s video, we will talk about limbs. There will be an introduction about arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, nails, legs, thighs, knees, ankles, feet, and toes.
Arms are connected to the trunk by your shoulders. The elbow is a joint, so you can bend your arm. The wrist is another joint. At the end of your arms, you can find your hands. On your hand, you have the palm, a thumb and four fingers. You can touch with your hands.
Lower limbs are your two legs. You use your legs to stand on. Your legs are connected to your trunk by your hips. The top parts of your legs are your thighs. Below thighs, you can find the joints, knees. With knees, you can bend your legs. Your ankle is another joint where your foot joins your leg.
At the end of your legs, you can find your feet. You use your feet to walk. At then end of each foot, you can find your five toes.
At the end of your fingers and toes, you can find the thin hard parts called nails.
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