今天故事里的主角是戏份极多的狗子 Floppy,他要证明自己是一只很棒的狗狗。他说自己是个聪明的小帮手,而且让干啥就干啥。听起来是个不错的狗狗,不过事实真的是这样的吗?
故事里的表达用到了押韵,比如 me, see; sit, it; call, ball; that, cat,读起来琅琅上口。画面一如既往地充满戏剧性,随手一画就从一只乖巧的狗狗变成了顽皮的狗子,镇定的猫咪也变成了吓尿的小可怜,真是羡慕画家的巧手。
In today’s story, the leading role is Floppy. He wants to prove that he is a good dog. For example, he is a good helper, he does what he is told. But is that true?
In today’s book, we can find rhyming words, like:
‘me’‘see’, ‘sit’‘it, ‘call’‘ball’, ’that’‘cat’.
It will be easier for kids to remember the story and those sentences. Illustrations are full of interesting details. If you wanna know more, please follow our video and read this book together.
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