今天的故事,句型很简单,就是 I see…故事里一直重复这个句型。
因为它简单,所以基本上把书念上个一两遍,小朋友就会说 I see…这样小朋友学起来也会很有成就感,一点一滴的小成就感加在一起,就能形成对新语言的兴趣啦。
比如我和猪宝一起念完这本书以后,我就会学着封面上的 Kipper,把手卷起来,做成双筒望远镜的样子。
然后对猪宝说:I see my little Pookie looking at me. Little Pookie, what do you see?
猪宝就会笑着说:I see mommy。刚开始他只会说很短的句子,等他说得多了,就可以说得长一点,比如他会说:I see mommy looking at me.
句型虽然简单,但是我们在亲子阅读的时候,总不能就一直跟书念 I see 吧,总得介绍一下卷筒、锁眼、镜头、纸箱子、狗屋、星形眼镜……想了解更多故事里的细节,欢迎跟随我们的视频一起愉快地阅读。
In today’s story, the sentence pattern of " I see…" keeps repeating. It is short and easy for kids to learn to use. What’s more important is that it boosts beginners’ confidence.
For example, when I read this book with my son little Pookie, I will keep reading the sentence of I see. After reading, I always fold my hands and immitate Kipper’s gesture on the cover of the book, then I say: I see my little Pookie looking at me. Little Pookie, what do you see? He always answers with smile: I see mommy.
Although sentences in this book are simple, there are still a lot of details that we can share with our kids. If you wanna know more, please follow our video and read this book together.If you enjoy it, please click the Like and Subscribe button. It will motivate us a lot. Many thanks. Have a nice day!
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