噔噔噔噔~~~今天开始分享牛津阅读树全英精讲动画。terry 的动画真的做得超级用心!

大名鼎鼎的牛津阅读树(Oxford Reading Tree),作为英语启蒙和进阶的分级读物,在中国宝妈圈几乎无人不知无人不晓。还不知道的朋友们,看下这个就会不明觉厉:

牛津阅读树是牛津大学出版社出的一套庞大的阅读材料,在英国是家喻户晓的英语母语学习材料,全英有 80%的公立学校都在使用这套书,全球有超过 130 个国家都用它作为外语学习教材,全球有超过 3000 万孩子都读过这套书。这一家人的故事深受孩子们喜爱,帮助无数孩子们学会并爱上阅读。

作为一个没有上过幼儿园、没有看过图画书、且没有童年的人,开始并不能理解这类绘本的好处。比如 Eric Carle 的棕熊系列,说来说去就那几个句式,变几个单词而已,哪里好了?

直到前段时间我为了体会猪宝学外语的感受,听起了法语,我才意识到,分级读物和重复句式真的太适合外语启蒙了,也理解了为什么小猪佩奇不适合 0 基础的宝宝学英语。不信你自己看个法语版的小猪佩奇,绝对只看懂了剧情学不会几个词。只有句式重复的画面,你才能很有效地学会并记下这个句子或单词,并且知道什么情境下用它。

所以,分级读物真的是外语学习路上的一段捷径呀。不过,这套书真的很庞大。牛津树分为《Oxford Reading Tree》和《TreeTOPS》,《TreeTOPS》属于高阶拓展阅读,国内没有引进。大家熟知的牛津树,其实是牛津阅读树,它分为学校版和家庭版,学校版分为自然拼读和拓展阅读。因为是分级读物,共分为 9 阶,一共 406 册,其中自然拼读 204 册,拓展阅读 202 册。如果只买其中 1 阶,也要三位数的价格,一套买下来要好几千。

这么好又这么贵的一套书,我们可不得物尽其用。于是,我和 terry 决定做一系列牛津树精读动画,充分利用好这套分级读物,帮助猪宝学习英语,咳咳,也帮助我自己提高英语。初级阶段的分级读物虽然句式简单,但亲子阅读时,总不能就重复那几个简单句式念给孩子听吧。要知道这些书里,处处都流露着作者和插画家的小心机,处处都可以给小朋友介绍呀。



以下是动画讲稿,欢迎查阅。 Hi, everyone, welcome back to my channel. From now on, we’re going to read Oxford Reading Tree Series, and today we’ll read the book Go On, Mum!.

So Mum is sitting on the grass and tying her shoelaces. Her three children are surrounding her, looking excited. Look, the girl Biff is giving a thumbs-up to her mum.

So what is Mum going to do?

Oh, there is a bulletin board behind them, let’s go look at it. It says: Army Training Ground. Mums’ Fun Run. Beside the board, there are groups of people, a lady in yellow sportswear is doing some warm-up exercises.

There must be a running race for Mums. Let’s turn the pages and watch the race together!

“Go on, Mum,” said Chip.

Look, Mum is running across the starting line. Where is Chip? He is standing beside a trainer, raising his hand and shouting : go on Mum! What is the trainer doing? She wears camouflage uniform and is whistling. What’s in her right hand? A small white board, right? It says: Lap 1.

Will there be a lap 2? Let’s keep reading.

“Go on, Mum,” said Biff.

“I am going,”said Mum.

Mum is walking on a single-log bridge, opening her arms to keep balance. Oh, no! The lady in blue sportswear just fell into the stream and got all wet.

The race is a little thrilling. Let’s keep watching.

“Go on, Mum,” said Kipper.

“I am going,” she said.

Mum is on a climbing cargo net. That seems a little difficult. Look, The lady upon Mum lost one of her shoes. And the lady behind Mum has to climb with dirty clothes.

That’s really challenging. What’s the next?

“Go on, go on,” said Dad.

“I am going,” said Mum.

Oh my god. This is even harder than the previous ones. Runners has to put their face under water to move forward. Look at Mum, she seems a little tired. The lady behind Mum is spitting dirty water. Meanwhile, the lady after her was scared by the situation.

What will be happening next?

I am not going again. Mum said exhausted.

Look, She is all wet. What is mum doing? She is pouring water out of her shoes.

Dad and three kids felt a little sad. The trainer is holding a white board. It says: lap 2. But Mum will not attend it.

So that’s all for Mums’ fun run. Now, let’s read the book together again.

Go On, Mum!

“Go on, Mum,” said Chip.

“Go on, Mum,” said Biff.

“I am going,”said Mum.

“Go on, Mum,” said Kipper.

“I am going,” she said.

“Go on, go on,” said Dad.

“I am going,” said Mum.

“I am not going again. ”

The end.




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