这是《棕熊,棕熊,你在看什么?》系列的第四本书,这一期的动画讲读,以熊宝宝寻找熊妈妈为主要故事线索,带出 10 种不同野生动物的特点:比如狐狸的尾巴可以用来保持身体平衡、用于冬天盖在身上保暖、用作信号旗和其他狐狸交流。长耳鹿之所以叫这个名字,是因为它的耳朵像骡子的大耳朵;响尾蛇的尾巴会发出声音;猫头鹰眼睛是黄色的……


请跟着我们的动画,一起去认识这 10 种小动物吧,希望您喜欢我们的动画精讲绘本。

It is the fourth and final companion title to Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? .The main idea of the story is that a baby bear is looking for his mother. In the search for mama bear, 9 other animals appear gradually. They have quite different features. For example, the fox’s tail can be used to keep balance, keep warm and communicate with other foxes. The mule deer is named for its ears. The rattlesnake’s tail can make a rattling sound…

Have the baby bear found his mother?

Please follow the video and meet those wild animals, we hope that you will like the story.


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